
It is my pleasure to take this opportunity to write about how The Hyer Calling Foundation has impacted my family and contributed to saving and restoring my son's quality of life. When I was reflecting on what The Hyer Calling Foundation does there were three words that came to mind: love, worth, and dignity. All humans need love. All humans are worthy of receiving love. All humans are worthy of dignity. What happens when someone loses their feeling of self-worth and no longer loves themselves? They lose their dignity. They feel worthless and unworthy. The Hyer Calling Foundation has been integral in helping my son fight his way back to self-worth, self-love, and restored dignity.

The Hyer Calling Foundation has not only helped my son navigate the complicated legal system and seek out dental treatment but has also helped him prepare to successfully RE-ENTER the work force after his hard fight back during recovery. Kevin and The Hyer Calling Foundation team have personally and compassionately contributed to my son finding and securing gainful employment. The Hyer Calling Foundation does not just provide a service to our recovery community, they restore DIGNITY.

Dawn K
East Windsor, NJ

The Hyer Calling Foundation, Inc. has been incredible in how they supported me in my recovery when I was ready to get back to work.

Sarah S.
Philadelphia, PA

Having to explain my addiction struggles and recovery journey with future employers was not easy and I wouldn't have been able to do it without the support of Hyer Calling.

Aaron P.
Richmond, VA.

I support the Hyer Calling Foundation, Inc. and their work giving individuals in recovery a second chance at a career.

Beth J.
Falls Church, VA