Volunteer Details

Margaret Swift Thompson


Having dedicated her career to the family disease of addiction for over 20 years, Margaret brings a wealth of knowledge, clinical experience, and group, individual, and family methods to her practice. She believes in possibility over pathology, and this philosophy led her to create Embrace Family Recovery, LLC.

As a certified coach, family members work alongside her to develop healthier strategies to cope and even thrive through addiction. Margaret's traditional, extensive training and work with thousands of people affected by the disease of addiction at the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation has been complemented by her recent venture into coaching.

Margaret is a dynamic speaker and a lifelong student. She is a certified coach with the Coach Training Alliance, and SHE RECOVERS. As a coach, she brings her long-term active recovery from codependency and food addiction to the table. Margaret's practice is hybrid, fully embracing social media and using educational podcasts, The Embrace Family Recovery Podcast, webinars, and providing online family work. Her enthusiasm and ability are matched by the creativity of her approach to family work..